Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mom Disease

I am a stay-at-home mom of 4 kids. I have an 8 year old daughter (L), a 5 year old son (E), a 3 year old daughter (S), and a 3 month old son (P). I have diagnosed myself with mom disease a long time ago. These are my symptoms.

1. It isn't often I get out without kids with me.

2. I feel strange when I am around all adults and no kids.

3. I have a hard time finding topics of conversation that don't involve my kids.

4. I haven't dressed up in years. I can't remember the last time I wore a fancy dress or heels.

5. My body is ruined from 4 pregnancy's.

6. When I find clothes I like, I will go back and purchase it in every single color.

7. I am always on the go. No rest!

8. I have eyes in the back of my head.

9. I can predict my kids issues & problems before they even happen.

10. My kids have a lot more clothes them me.

11. When I go shopping, I will by bags of clothes for them, but nothing for me.

12. I drive a Honda Odyssey mini-van.

13. My house is never clean enough.

14. I can multi-task and do anything while holding a baby.

15. I hide and eat chocolate from my kids.

16. I pull in and out of my driveway a zillion times a day.

17. I get my kids names mixed up often.

18. I love talking about my kids births.

19. I'm already planning the next vacation before the current vacation has ended.

20. I exercise, but am always fighting the bulge.

21. Romance has left the building a long time ago.

22. Takes lots of pictures and home videos.

23. My house is overtaken by toys.

24. I am used to my kids making a scene wherever we go.

25. I would do anything for my family!
26. Most of my friends have kids around the same age as my kids.

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